Friday, May 28, 2010

Best game system for my needs: XBox360 or PS3?

I try to add a gaming system for my family and I'm not sure which direction to go, that's what I try, that would best suite my needs, the Xbox or PS3?
1) I want a system that opportunities outside of the standard shoot-em-up (play Halo, Call of Duty) and sports (football, basketball). I'm an old-time player and I would like to see some classic or versions. Mario, video arcade games, puzzle games. Maybe a snow / skateboard game like SSX3 and Tony Hawk. The system should be for my girlfriend who is not in team sports and violence .... A useful volleyball game would be totally cool for them ... I want some classic Wolfenstein or other classic shooter first ... play some small role, perhaps ... I like Halo, etc, but not my fire .. But something with a lot of variety. When you BrainAge games, then it is a great advantage, because I'm a psych major.
2) It appears the network. Preferably, wireless, but I was able to connect me a bridge.
3) If you would a disk for storage, I can expand on them. Maybe an external drive or replace the interior with a larger hard drive.
4) I really want the ability to stream audio and video from my Windows XP desktop. I have almost a terabyte of MP3s and videos I stream to my Bose system in which the game system to be connected .. Again, should navigate the game system capable of music and videos on my XP machine. What audio and video, each system do you prefer? I have heard that some prefer game systems interface with Vista or Win 7, but I am not upgrading the PC to a ...
5) ability, DVD + R DL discs from my collection to play videos.
6) If you with Netflix interface, so awesome ...
So, given the above, what do you recommend? I know there are different versions of each game system, which version? Without exaggerating the price ..


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