Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ps3 Hdmi – Far Better Value Than Xbox 360

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PS3 HDMI - Report by far better than the Xbox 360

Posted on 30 May 2010 · from Valeri Add a comment

I have argued that a game console for the Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3 HDMI. As a man with the family of two children, the total PS3 HDMI was the best value for money. Since the PS3 and Xbox 360 are designed for the same market, were more in comparison to the PS3 HDMI 360:
Stronger system of the 3 consoles.
Blu-ray included, can be updated via the Internet. And "fully functional Blu-ray player, not watered down, if the picture quality awesome.
Solid hardware, Xbox 360 hardware has many problems.
Includes wireless Wi-Fi, but with the Xbox 360, you must purchase separately.
need free online gaming, unlike Xbox, you'll pay each month.
Internet Web browser that the Xbox does not.
Better menu for navigation-'360.
Rumble controller not only, but also motion sensor like the Wii.
Hard-Drive is easily expandable and cost, as opposed to 360 to update the expensive and very difficult if you want to store on your hard drive.
-The latest movies and TV shows can be purchased online, has 360 more titles Netflix, but the old ties.
Playstation Eye (motion sensor camera) allows accessories like the Wii-Motion games.
-Need more current movie titles (but equal to or better than 360 or Apple TV)
-Not all movies can be rented in the publication of the first week, but must be purchased.
-Need more variety of games, actually applies to all three systems.
Overall, compared to Wii: The kids want the Wii, no matter what he has to say to their friends. The quality of the Wii games fall, game developers are not well with the integration of the functionality of moving the games. It feels like the developers of the games and then has the function of the movement as an afterthought. PS3 controller including motion sensors like the Wii, Playstation Eye camera has to also have motion sensors. There are accessories for PS3 HDMI for Guitar Hero and Rock Band, which enables physical games on the PS3 HDMI than the Wii. So you can play physical games like Wii PS3 HDMI.

Overall, for the Xbox 360 in comparison: Xbox 360, although it is less expensive initially, if you add all the PS3 HDMI, Xbox 360 has a lot more expensive. People forget. 360 has more games because the PS3 HDMI one year previously introduced, but comes from 2008 PS3 HDMI with so many high-quality exclusive games, now is the time of the introduction (HDMI PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet, SOCOM Confrontation, Resistance 2, Gran Turismo 4, etc..) If you play Halo or Gears of War, you use the PS3 HDMI is a much better value.
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Filed in Tagged with Better Xbox 360, HDMI, price, Xbox


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