Friday, July 2, 2010

Lego Harry Potter: Years 1 – 4 (Xbox360) Review

Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Xbox 360) Review
By Zeth - 2 July 2010 - 23:26 and
A review Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4.
We all now know what to expect from a product made by Travellers Tales Lego. After the excellent Lego Star Wars continue to hone their craft in the lap of iterations progressively better during the same game franchises like Indiana Jones and Batman.
Well, quite a cheek and chap-Ettes of Travellers Tales are back and gave Warner probably better their Lego game to date. Why? And why not a better result for a better title? Well, you're forced to read what little information Galleon gold.
Everyone and his cat (also Mrs. Norris!) Know the structure for the history of best-selling novels by JK Rowling so I will not here on the floor. Basically, you follow the exploits of Harry and his friends through the history of the first four books (or movies if you're too lazy to read them all!).
Each book is carried out in a variety of tasks for distributed Harry and his friends, generous of the simple list of prisoners (the currency in the game) for the production of compounds with Lego creation is based Wingardium leviosa there are always many things to do.
What comes immediately with the precision of Travellers Tales have managed the new look and feel in both films and books. Each character is instantly recognizable and very well designed. From hair orange plastic Weasley, Dobby the always funny, each character was satisfied.
Lego former player of the series of securities will be aware that the games was a presentation of graphics never made the previous games may seem a bit 'rough edges. To this end, Travellers Tales have their engine spit and polish a lot and I am glad to say that the game looks fantastic. There certainly is Uncharted 2 or heavy rain, but it still looks great. not the engine is a major task, the control of all the debris flying Lego and really only one beat to miss, if there is a lot of things. At this point you get some tearing but this can be addressed by activating the Vertical Sync option in the menu. This gives you a bit fuzzy, more comfortable experience but it levels out of these tears screen. To be honest I was happy with the questions screen live just takes off from the game.
What remains a bit "is the way the screen looks random to choose a path divided into two, if you and your friend Co-op split. This does not eliminate the elastic nature of the game have seen in previous games, but can a little frustrating when it might be a 37 "TV and more. On my 32 "Samsung LCD has been cumbersome at times, but still more than playable.
Another thing you notice immediately that it was not really fighting that enemy in the path or in much of this game. Previous games had to fight or Nazi storm troopers Troopers (ooh Trooper topic!). In Lego Harry Potter game is much more on exploration and using your magic powers for the activity of puzzle solving. This actually makes a refreshing change, and means that the game is much slower for them.
The game world has been improved even more than before, and all services at a dose of physical costly semi-real world. Shares a room seem spent this time with the drop pile of books and pieces of broken sprinkle Lego have plans at times. So that the world will feel much more permanent.
Audio as the game includes the evaluation of films and makes great use of it, as we hope and expect. The real deals are in the comic revision of some songs (like the Skeleton Dance is a hospital wing of the Caribbean) and "work" entry. Although no one talks about the character comedy grunts, squeaks and general "Nudge nudge, wink win everything fits together great.
This game has been by far the best Lego game. The emphasis on exploration, puzzle solving and comedy piece in September really help, the "fun" to bring the franchise. Sure this is done in previous Lego titles have been, but it seems only as good fir. The actual element platform, a decrease of the previous track, are much more rigorous and sensitive this time. Of course, there is still no platforms and ledges are impossible, but it happens much less than before.
The proportion LEGO Builder is back from the Lego Batman and put to good effect. The real downside is that you have their creations online. An important control in this day and age. Diagon Alley and The Leaky Cauldron host the center of the world and store parts of the game, taking a damn fine addition.
After the game I've played suddenly realized exactly how long I do. The most current version of licenses to be to role-play in addition, may of course come in at 6:00 to 8:00 hours on average. Maybe you can Push a ten. It cost me about four or five hours to finish the first book - in fact I did take a lot of galleries and free most of the students in danger. I only lasted about one day hell to read the damn book! Therefore, once again with all four sides there is a serious game great and the best part was that at the end of the game that I only approximately sixty-five percent had completed the actual title.
You can then play the levels trying to reach the actual level by collecting enough studs in each scenario tip. Or you can try and find all the students in Peril, or look for all four arms hidden in each level. This game will really last an incredibly long time.
This game is 100% pure fan of Harry Potter stories and not ashamed to show it. Unfortunately, you have very little idea what the hell is going on when you're not already with the tradition, history and characters of the Harry Potter universe. One thing that guys can not virtual, plastic is a true story. it does not listen to the game that is fun and highly playable simply not the best out of it, if you do not dispute at least talk to the fiction. And so the game is a solid rather than 8 maybe a ninth It is a great game, fun, fun, playable and deep, but annoying deficiencies and has several nuances. What It Is Fan Service happens to be incredible and a ventilator rate game much more than a non-Potter fan. To be honest with grace final immetrial the fact remains this is a great game.
Final Thoughts:
This is hands down the best tracks Lego until now. The drama was great justice and freedom taken by a fee, the serenity. The game made me laugh almost to the end and I never really tired. Of course, the platform is still a little "loose, the split screen is sometimes annoying, but it works much better than the previous titles in the Co-op.
I think this format you must have certainly played out now, so it will be interesting to see where Traveller's Tales takes the upcoming games. Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 not stop a good title, the very friendly family is fun to play. My oldest son and I sat down and played the game together over several days, which surprised me when he lost interest in the securities, when he arrived in Lego Batman. That if he loved, in fact I finished with him on his profile now I'm playing with him all my advice again - better, because what is?
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