Friday, July 2, 2010

Satoshi Matrix's Blog

As video games become more popular, and system hardware is more advanced, the line between game and film will continue to decline.
Like its predecessor, Indigo Prophecy, heavy rain is not a video game in the classic sense. Instead, heavy rain, an interactive movie psychological thriller.
And "this game deserves your attention, even if you do not like Indigo Prophecy? Read on.
Without too much detail because of spoilers, heavy rain is the story of a young father whose son was a murderer known as Origami Killer, like origami figures known to leave known abducted in the hands of his victims. The central theme throughout the story asks how much you love someone going to save?
Heavy rain is a word, the hyper-realistic models stunning.Character Advanced motion capture and convey a sense that these characters are rendered CG people living real. Once they are included in the game, you almost forget that none of the people you see actually exists. This company is truly remarkable and occurs in only a small percentage of the game today.
However great the people are in heavy rain, the environment, what really impressed. Even without the power of the PS3, making the art direction alone this game a winner. Each course meets and feels like places that really exist, and many of them were places that have been actually. The way the game deplicts the world in general is simply incomparable.
As the title of a big budget for the PS3, heavy rain has some of the most modern and varied graphics'll everywhere. Nothing is reused, everything looks good and there is never a slowdown.
The only flaw is that I noticed lipmovements not always correspond to what is said on the screen. This is probably because the game was intended, in his native French, I do not want to play petty.
Heavy rain has a voice cast of 90 actors and is thus one of the biggest productions for each game of all time. Heavy rain is in America, but used a large ensemble unforuntetely European voice. Hearing British American English is covered up to the sound is about natural sounding than people can imagine.
I would have simply preferred to keep their European accents and the game takes place in London or something. That is, the vocal cast is excellent, and everything for their lines with distinction and quality.
As with any major film, which makes half of the great Heavy rain is the score. Thoughtful, emotional, dramatic, scary ... The guests will make you feel whole range of emotions, how to play each scenario.
Heavy Rain, a game that takes you between four characters: Ethan, the boy's father, FBI agent Norman, Madison, a journalist, and Scott Shelby, can change a detective. Each character will experience sequences of events depending on what they do, change for all other events, so this game is anything but linear. have made depending on the choice throughout the game, can be modified for future events better or worse, or might not happen.
Heavy rain is confusing and difficult at first, because the forward movement will not happen by HThe tilted to adjust the left stick, but reflecting R2. Simply guide the character with a stick.
Before you go crying about Resident Evil controls tank knows that the movement is not essential to the game, and is used sparingly. Most of the time will be timed preforming press of a button, called the Quick Time Events.
What separates the QTEs Heavy rain is not expected to make their flawless preform. In fact, you can completely miss them and the game goes on, even if you are at a disadvantage in solving mysteries that are the Origami Killer.
There are a number of sequences to shake the SIXAXIS tilt, or move the motion controller require during the game. These sequences are new and are a good use of the range of motion for the PS3, but feel stuck. Port for the Xbox 360 would be just as fun without them.
Since the game with a movie camera, the players have no control over the angle, they see, and this can sometimes you wonder aimlessly around, but I assure you, this is a small action.
Given the number of people who do not press clips online time as heavy rain has the nickname "Quick Time Events deserves: The Game.
If you are not qualified in the QTE, you will find this extremely frustrating game to play. There are different levels of difficulty to make QTEs easier or more difficult, but this game will convince you, if not already hate this type of game.
Availability and Pricing
Heavy rain is an exclusive Playstation 3, and makes good use of the hardware. Expect to pay anywhere from $ 45 to $ 60 for this game, even used.
Audience - Adults: Heavy rain is rated M a hard game. There are a lot of very cruel violence, nudity, profanity, references to drugs, alcohol and prostitution. younger players would not even understand what is happening anyway.
Heavy rain Devolopment production began in 2006 and has in the beta was shown at E3 that year. Under the title "The Casting" demo that players have a look at that look like heavy rain which finally directed Would would expect the subject and the quality of the final game to be. This look, before we all saw here.

Heavy rain is a free downloadable demo on PLAYSTATION Network. The demo is fantastic and allows the players sure if this game worth the price of the chance to play itself.
You should all check it out. Heavy rain is a title that will go into the lists of the best and most unique games ever made. This game is a masterpiece of interactive entertainment.
Trailer for heavy rain.

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