Sunday, July 25, 2010

Transformers: War for Cybertron – PS3 review

Transformers: Cybertron War review - PS3
Gaming, Review | B.T. Robertson | 25 July 2010 at 11:34

System: PlayStation 3
Duration: ~ 20 hours, including multiplayer, since 7/20/10
Vs: Campaign alone (the first play-through on hard difficulty), the Co-op Campaign, escalation, and Multi-Player
"Autobots, roll out!" This famous line from the 1980 hit, Transformers is still grumbling from the fans of the old school and was often the latest generation of children today. Transformers is a synonym for all that we love, brought to large machines to life. As a precursor of the matrix represent the Transformers artificial intelligence like no other, and includes an anticipation of life as we know it to remove from such a set of machines.
It is a well known fact that video game movies are terrible, and vice versa. If a movie is made to accompany the game awarded to the highest bidder. What happens more often than not ends - with a few exceptions - is that it is not enough time and resources to create an exciting game, then connections are made. The end result? A game of shit that may or may not follow the movie plot with some sense of cohesion.
The last two films were Transformers, in my opinion fantastic. Sure, the critics always have something negative to say about any movie, but he felt that she was well done, despite the incessant destruction of Hollywood's need, time limits, drive the story and the characters seemed to move closer Fudge unrecognizable. Just as films have been manipulated, games based on movies were just awful. This is the average assessment of the two tracks and you will find nothing to write home. They were bad, but that is again expected. Only parents with children aware of emotional could fall into a similar trap mind.
But High Moon Studios and Activision teamed up to right players a whole new experience Transformers, Transformers: Cybertron War. Hasbro license with his official seal, which means that it means just fits in the canon Transformers universe stamped. It is not a game based on film, and is a much better experience for them. What follows is a review of the book, albeit a little late, which I played extensively on the Sony PlayStation 3 Have fun!
Trypticon in all its glory.
It is difficult, a game Transformers, imagine a presentation on the up. I mean, the robots themselves are as big as houses - some of them the size of skyscrapers - and the chaos that need the planet is more than legendary. But in relation to the war for Cybertron (the "WFC), the presentation was spectacular in almost every respect.
Cybertron is a good place to be if you are an alien robot that every 9.5 days, works, at least not in the attitude within the game world. Since war is global, I suggest that every living Cybertron is concerned. The scale is massive, put it this way. The fighting is everywhere, permeating the sounds of war in every corner of every street in every town. The fact that the little robots look wonderful against the backdrop of the urban landscape is a testament to how the world is large and is a character in itself. Cybertron is bad, and you feel like the game engine in a manner uniquely powerful.
High Moon Studios has chosen to use Unreal Engine in WFC to use today share a common strategy. AND 'cheaper than a game developers use a proven engine instead of developing new brand, especially when trying to make a name for himself. This strategy, as you probably guessed, it has some drawbacks. First, is not the match as robust, and secondly, the Unreal Engine is slow to show its age. While no game should be judged solely on their appearance, does the fact that this is a next-generation titles in competition with many other titles, which are always a few pictures is-ass out of the Xbox 360 and PS3 is a tough pill to swallow. I can not help but laugh at the graphics. screen tearing, texture clipping (when parts of the polygonal models by other polygonal models clip, bad collision detection), jagged edges galore, low-resolution textures, framerate problems, and all thrive in this title.
That is, the game still "enough" for the artistic side of the aisle. Cybertron looks good, and while metal is a city with little or no color to speak, there is enough variety for each area and comfortable to hold. You also have to struggle so much that you may not notice the world around you all so much. The engine chugs along, and can barely keep up, but the art design is refreshing and the Transformers universe much justice in the end. If this was a tune-up stock engine design, I think the whole presentation was immaculate nearby.
In a rare turn of events, I will report here that the healthy development really impressed me much more than just graphics. God sounds, the fantastic game! Blips whirs, buzzes, rings and metallic creaking transport the reader directly into a live-and Cybertron. The weapons all have unique relationships, increase each vehicle a unique sound quality and the gas is controlled, the voice acting of all first class ... and received the right to voice Soundwave !!!!! sound Eat Your Heart by Michael Bay, not Soundwave not like the voice of Inspector Gadget's Claw doctor! have are small details that fans of the animated series and toy jumping for joy for the treatment is to impress the audience base. This game was not together, was thrown carefully constructed.
In general, it was not well with the graphic nature of the WFC impressed, but I enjoy the artistic management and audio stimulation. Film, take the game a home run, and each scene is cut properly and has a big task to move the story along. Oh, and incidentally is the single-player campaign, you run about 8-10 hours depending on normal difficulty level of your play, and 10-12 on hard. There is much to be done to WFC, and this is an indication of the kind of game from High Moon has created for the fans. It is a love letter, make no mistake, and we thank them for that.
Score: 8.5/10 - The competition is tough these days, and there are much needed improvements to the presentation. All graphics nonsense leads to experience a shock, though sound and art departments to do a good job of doing the game. The robots are all carefully constructed, as Cyberton. Too bad, the engine has such a confusion of the world otherwise wonderful and scary game.
Cybertron is a paradox of beauty and violence.
Story and characters
I do not want to spoil the story convincing way in the WFC, but it's safe to say that since this part of the Transformers, Canon has the story was very well integrated and answered the many questions fans may have. How he came to meet Megatron Starscream? How did he become a Optimus Prime? How to take Bumblebee and Optimus? Why Transformers Cybertron to leave? All these questions will be answered throughout the campaign masterfully, if you play alone or co-op. And believe me, the game is with friends through the story much better and very funny.
The players in this game are our beloved Transformers: Autobots and Decepticons, good and bad, respectively. There really are no neutral parties in this war. Six or Megatron or against him, and there is no compromise on this point. Megatron is still his arrogant, greedy for power, neutral in themselves, and Optimus is still his Boy Scout leader with a reluctant incorruptible moral center. These two personalities apart, I was surprised how many other people were the robot; Breakdown throw jokes and funny jokes on Megatron, Soundwave, as is his typical self-regulation through to the bitter end. Bumblebee is the young, anxious personality, willing to fight to the death to defend Cybertron, Ironhide, while the wisdom of trying in vain to calm the turbulence Warpath.
The story is told from ten chapters divided into two groups. Chapters 1-5 are told through the perspective Decepticons, and their main goal is to corrupt Dark Core Cybertron Energon, a substance of legend. "I like the stories," Optimus Prime heard during a preliminary part of the campaign when they meet dark Energon. Chapters 60-10 are told through the perspective of Autobots, and their main goal is to eliminate Megatron Orbital Defense Station. I do not want to ruin, be what ends the station, but it was a gratifying conclusion to a thorough and well-told story. There are some plot holes due to the nature of this linear plot still divided, but not blatantly so, that comes from thee. Sometimes you have to wonder how in the Autobots campaign will see you when Starscream with Megatron involved probably about the same time. But again, is not bad, and that's not really a complaint as a factual account of events. The holes are smaller, the story is fantastic.
Score: 9.5/10 - a big conspiracy that the players the shoes of the two Autobot and Decepticon robots, such as wear allowed is the most interesting part of the campaign mode. The characters are well played, well-scripted, and only a few times when he has used the dispute (Warpath a bit "too loud can shine, but that's me). And" damn near perfect.
A particularly nasty bug.
Where WFC stumbles in the final analysis, is the gameplay. Are they not the way ... There are tons of ways to get around. Escalation (ie, Horde) mode allows four friends against waves of AI opponents of increasing difficulty. Co-op campaign and to random people or friends to play the story mode together. It is rich and multi-player gives you a little 'variety, although known and relatively unchanged in some other games. Kill get XP, unlock stuff, leveling repeated up, getting stronger,. It is a recipe for success and fun, and changes vehicles to add a new level of challenge, but for me there are not enough cards. I'm sure that will cure DLC.
Sun setting in multi-player and escalation management aside, the gameplay in campaign mode, but actually three things: aim, through the presentation of the story (which is great, read above) get to the battle between the waves of bad guys this to achieve goal to go the next target. Now this is an action game and kept the pace is frenetic purpose. But the battle is very one-dimensional. I mean, there's even a cover system, and if there were, the robots are so clumsy and cumbersome, there will likely not work anyway. This is a third-person action game, when I said that already, so you can see your entire robot and the gun is always in the right hand. What the hell? In almost all other third-person action title, you can click on a button - usually L3/R3 button on the PS3 controller - and spend your grid view from right to left. No you're stuck with the whole right side of the WFC at the time, and leads to strategic issues when trying to find cover when a gun battle with the evil Decepticons. It simply makes no sense to me, because High Moon boundary of the players in this way. I felt like I was think of Resident Evil 5 - the developers, they can create voltage limiting controls. No, the design of a better game, that's how you create tension. Be polite, I think the battle would have been better if there is more variety and more emphasis on vehicular combat. You can change at any time and powers the vehicle and weapons, but the values are not designed for the vehicle-friendly fight at all, except maybe the fight against air. But those are one-dimensional.
A few more questions jumped on me during the game sessions. I was always in search of ammunition, so frustrating, I had wanted to scream. So, all this technology, the transformers, all the emphasis on shooting / racing / shooting High Moon and I'm 20 fucking balls into Optimus' Ion Cannon? Anytime you get into close combat, to scavengers for other spheres, only in the coffers, not the dead carcasses of robotics. And the most powerful weapon ammunition have less of departure, for no gun (powerful sniper rifle). To make matters worse and choppy, fast reload all weapons is incredibly slow. And to start with only a handful of balls, you're always in search of ammunition and reloading, which is very expensive in firefights crushing.
My most frustrating moments came as a result of AI, enemy and friend alike. It is played with two d'affaires a.i. mates in both Autobot and Decepticon campaigns, but are rarely helpful, and AI is the most ridiculous time. For example in the fight against a character of Big Boss, your "friends" to stay off air, ball after ball with no down. Instead, they shoot and shoot and shoot the opponent and rarely goes to you! It is a sleight of hand tactics, which the novice shows on Game Design by High Moon approach. Autobot Omega Supreme is the most powerful of the world, so why your two AI companions are totally outside the range always struck him during the fight the head? If you do this, we crushed almost immediately. This approach to d'affaires a.i. is so stupid that basic research and making the search more balls the more frustrating. You can do almost anything to get help, you feel like the whole combat system is based entirely on you and your limited ammunition.
Finally, WFC to play a fun game if you love the crazy action and a lot of Smashing robot. But d'affaires a.i. Questions, stupid enemy tactics are friendly to silly mistakes, and the constant hunt for ammunition frustrating enough to throw the controller through the TV screen, especially if the game on Hard difficulty as I did.
Score: 6.0/10
Bumblebee rocking firefight.
Multiplayer modes and other
Why WFC has a large component of the MP, I wanted to check them individually. As I write this, there was only one patch for the game on PS3 released, and it is not enough for the large number of deficiencies that plague solve online gaming.
The first problem is the connection and delay. Of all the online games I played on the PS3 via PSN, I have never experienced such delays and problems with the connection. The problem is so bad that it is almost unplayable online, and only during the slow (non-weekend, most of them) were able to get some races in a row without being shot at.
Escalation is a way in which human friends up to four waves of enemies. It is hectic, fun and satisfying to work with others to the goal - a gold trophy, the team is waiting to ensure that up to 15 broadcast mode survives. This mode is like the Horde mode and is essentially copied directly from other games, but at least it's there and not suffer the same GAL is multiplayer.
SCORE: 7.5/10 - loads of bugs and LAG plague the online experience, save Escalation fashion. Once patched or more servers are added to alleviate the problems, this should improve. It's funny, it offers vehicle combat as part of the system, and leads through tons of sub-modes such as Team Deathmatch, the point of capture and delivery objectives. Escalation procedure is more or less as it was from other games like Gears of and is transported Call of Duty: World at War, but it is a nice addition to the meat offering online games created.
Rating: 8.0 (not an average)
Transformers: Cybertron War is a game great gift for fans of the Transformers entire canon. It contains one of the best stories in a shooter game I've ever played, and does a great job of characterization and pace of the action. When the game stumbles, the engine for the game and the experience in the online mode MP is specific. Too much delay and link bombing to a good go-to online gaming. I'll stick with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to WFC is resolved.
Tags: Activision, High Moon Studios, PS3, Transformers Cybertron War for Xbox 360

About B.T. Robertson
B.T. Robertson is a writer, published author and avid gamer, and has, playing video games his entire conscious life. He currently resides in Pittsburgh, PA with his family and waiting for the start of his third fantasy novel. Visit him online at

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